A salary buyout occurs when a State funded faculty member writes a portion of his/her annual salary into a grant budget to release the faculty to focus that percentage of time on the grant. Once the grant is funded, an account is established, and the COEHD Fiscal & HR Officer is informed of the buyout, a revised costing allocation is created to charge the grant for the percentage of the faculty’s salary specified in the grant budget. When the costing allocation is processed, the state funding or salary savings is released and becomes discretionary in the Dean’s budget. The salary savings is then used to hire an LOA for the semester so the faculty can focus on the grant. A salary buyout is not additional salary paid to the faculty. If a faculty wants to receive a teaching buyout, a minimum of 12% of their salary and 31.6% fringe (or current rate listed on Sponsored Projects website) per course per semester must be written in the approved grant budget. If at least 12% salary plus fringe is not budgeted into the grant, the PI is not eligible for the teaching buyout option.
Distribution of salary savings. The salary savings available from the buyout will first be used to pay the salary of a LOA to teach the faculty member’s class. Of the remaining salary saving funds, the Dean will split the cost of the LOA 50/50 (dean/buyout) the faculty will then receive 40% and the Dean 60%. The 40% salary savings will be transferred into the faculty member’s F & A account to be used at his/her discretion within university policies. F & A accounts are roll over discretionary accounts that allow funds to be available from year to year. The grant account must be established prior to this procedure being implemented. Examples with three different salary levels are provided below.