

All freshmen, sophomores and transfer students are advised by the Engineering Advising Center.

All other students are advised by an assigned faculty member in civil and environmental engineering. Students are advised at the end of each semester prior to registering for the next semester. Students are not permitted to attend engineering classes without prior advisement.

Juniors and seniors

Juniors and seniors in civil and environmental engineering are assigned an academic advisor based on the first letter of the student's last name as shown below. Student must contact their academic advisor prior to registering for courses for the next semester.

Civil Engineering, Bachelor of Science Degree

Student Last Name Advisor Phone Email Office
A - Ar Keith Dennett (775) 784-4056 kdennett@unr.edu SEM 226
As - Bre Adam Hand (775) 784-1439 adamhand@unr.edu SEM 320D
Brf - Chi Ben Ma (775) 682-5560 benma@unr.edu SEM 124F
Chj - E Hamed Ebrahimian (775) 682-6567 hebrahimian@unr.edu SEM 218
F - Gue Gokhan Pekcan (775) 784-4512 pekcan@unr.edu SEM 130B
Gs - He Elie Hajj (775) 784-1180 elieh@unr.edu SEM 320A
Hf - Ke Hao Xu (775) 784-6942 haox@unr.edu SEM 223
Kf - Loi Keri Ryan (775) 784-6928 keri.ryan@unr.edu SEM 227
Loj - McG Elnaz Esmaeilzadeh Seylabi (775) 682-6568 elnaze@unr.edu SEM 214
McH - Mz Renmin Pretell (775) 682-5226 rpretell@unr.edu SEM 224
N David Hanigan (775) 682-7517 dhanigan@unr.edu SEM 124G
O Frank (Yu) Yang (775) 682-6609 yuy@unr.edu SEM 349C
P Eric Marchand (775) 784-6817 marchand@unr.edu SEM 220
Q - R Mohamed Moustafa (775) 682-7919 mmoustafa@unr.edu SEM 349B
S Ramin Motamed (775) 784-6960 motamed@unr.edu SEM 222
T - V Krishna Pagilla (775) 682-7918 pagilla@unr.edu SEM 103
W - Z Seri Park (775) 682-6744 serip@unr.edu SEM 253D

Environmental Engineering, Bachelor of Science Degree

Student Last Name Advisor Phone Email Office
A - C David Hanigan (775) 682-7517 dhanigan@unr.edu SEM 124G
D - Ht Keith Dennett (775) 784-4056 kdennett@unr.edu SEM 226
Hu - Mb Eric Marchand (775) 784-6817 marchand@unr.edu SEM 220
Mc - P Krishna Pagilla (775) 682-7918 pagilla@unr.edu SEM 103
Q - Z Frank Yang (775) 682-6609 yuy@unr.edu SEM 349C