
Section Control

Component overview

The Section Control is a functional component that controls navigation, breadcrumbs, local alerts, contact information, section analytics and the text identifier for each web section. 

Creating a Section Control

The Section Control is comprised of several required elements:

  • Title
  • Section Home (Navigation)
  • Section Navigation
  • Section Analytics

It also has options for non-required elements:

  • Footer
  • Local Alert


The Title element is used to control the text identifer for your assigned Section Front.

Section Home (Navigation)

The Section Home (Navigation) element is used to establish the starting point for the navigation for your section. There are two fields to complete when building Section Home (Navigation): Link Type and Page.

Link Type: This field should be set to "Internal Link." The other options, "External Link" and "Document Link" are not used and are part of the default Ingeniux interface.

Page: Enter the XID for the Section Front where you'd like to start your section's navigation.

*The "Link Name" field is not used and is a default interface option from Ingeniux.

Section Navigation

The Section Navigation is used to set the sub-page navigation and breadcrumbs for any Detail pages built under your Section Front. There are two fields to complete in Section Navigation: Navigation Type and Start Page.

Navigation Type: Make sure "Subtree" is selected. Do not use any other option or the navigation and breadcrumbs will not work.

Start Page: Enter the xID for the Section Front or starting page for your section's navigation. It should be the same as the "Page" entered into the Section Home (Navigation).

Local Alert

The Local Alert field holds the Local Alert component that generates a full-width banner across Section Front and Detail pages. It is a separate component that can be scheduled to publish both on and off.

*NOTE: We recommend you create non-embedded Local Alert components.

Section Analytics

The Section Analytics fields are used to populate and send information to Google Analytic's data layer.

Section Type: Select the organizational type for the directory you're building in the CMS.

Section Parent Page: This field is used to group separate directory content under a single data layer to aggregate traffic data from across the site's information architecture.

The Section Parent SEO allows users to assign the top-level category for non-nested directories across the website. This is done by using the Page field. In the example above, the Department of Physics would have a Section Control with a Section Parent Page of /science (xID 3322).

Page: Enter the XID for the Section Front for where the data should be categorized and housed. You do not need to include a link name in this section. 


The Contact Information field holds the Contact Information component that places a contact block at the bottom of a Section Front and Detail pages.

There is also an option for one additional Content Block to be added in the Footer.

Have questions? Need website assistance?

Email us at: cms@unr.edu