
Appointment tutoring

Appointments are 50-minute sessions with one to three students and a trained peer tutor. Together, you and your tutor focus on your specific concerns for a specific undergraduate University course in which you are currently enrolled. Appointment tutoring sessions for undergraduates are free each semester, but you must attend. Two absences will block you from making appointments for the remainder of the semester.

Please note: Students must attend class. Tutoring is not a replacement for class. Tutors do not teach the class material. They provide support for a student's current University course.

Why individual tutoring works

Our tutors will assist you, but they will not do your work. Your tutor's goal is to build your confidence with the material and prepare you to be able to handle the material on your own.

  • 50-minute sessions allow time for you to cover multiple questions with your tutor.
  • Your tutor will adapt the session to your pace and ability.
  • Tutoring sessions are customized to meet your needs.

Absence/cancellation policy

If you cancel a session less than 12 hours in advance or fail to show up for a session, it will be counted as an absence. Two absences will block you from making any additional appointments for the semester.

Your responsibilities

  1. Arrive on time and ready to work.
  2. Attempt the homework ahead of time.
  3. Come with questions prepared.
  4. Actively participate in the tutoring session.
  5. Attend class regularly.
  6. Use your professor's office hours if possible.