Core objectives
The Core Core curriculum includes 14 core objectives. All courses which satisfy an objective must be verified by the Core Curriculum Board. Course verification requires that a substantial amount of student effort be devoted to the objective. Courses that satisfy an objective must also assess student learning outcomes on a regular frequency. When proposing a course to satisfy one or more of the following Core Objectives, refer to the core course proposal checklists, linked below.
When proposing a course to satisfy one or more of the following Core Objectives, refer to the core course proposal checklist.
Suggested student learning outcomes and assessment methods
Fundamental proficiencies include three core objectives. The core writing and core math requirements will build a foundation for these objectives, and competency will be developed elsewhere in the Core Curriculum. Majors will be expected to further develop discipline-specific competency in these objectives, and they will also be integrated into the integrative experience:
Primary areas of focused inquiry includes five core objectives. These will satisfy general education course requirements, as required by NSHE.
Advanced areas of focused inquires includes four core objectives. These can be satisfied by courses within the student's major requirements or electives, and at least one of these objectives should be integrated into the CO13 course:
Integrative experience includes two core objectives. The first of these objectives, CO13, must also integrate two of the objectives in the Primary area of focused inquiry and one of the objectives in the Advanced area of focused inquiry. The second of these objectives, CO14, may be satisfied by a capstone course or another course in the major: