Roommates and occupants
Based on availability, Ponderosa Village may be able to meet your request, but this is not guaranteed. If you have a building and/or roommate preference, please email these to prior to signing a lease.
If you have a specific individual in mind with whom you would want to share a 2 bed/2 bath shared unit, please include this information in the email stating your preferences. This individual will need to be eligible to live at Ponderosa Village, pass a background check, and they will need to email us at as well to ensure they are supportive of being your roommate.
Please Note: Your roommate preference supersedes your building or floor preferences.
For prospective or current tenants seeking accommodations related to building and/or roommate preferences, graduate students must contact the Disability Resource Center and faculty/staff must contact the Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX.
Yes. If you are the primary lease holder of a 1 bed/1 bath or full 2 bed/2 bath unit, you must be a graduate student or faculty/staff member. You can have others who are not affiliated with UNR live with you (up to the maximum occupancy of the unit) as long as they have passed a background check (if over 18 years old). If you are a lease holder within a 2 bed/2bath shared unit, additional occupants are not allowed.
Occupants are individuals who are not graduate students, faculty, or staff at UNR (i.e., siblings, partners, other dependents to a lease holder). Occupants over the age of 18 are required to undergo the background check process through RentSpree in order to be eligible to live on campus. Occupants and/or primary lease holders are financially responsible for the background check.
- 1 bed/1 bath - All residents living in a one-bedroom one-bathroom unit are allowed to have a total of 2 occupants (one being the primary lease holder)
- 2 bed/2 bath - All residents living in a 2-bedroom 2-bathroom unit are allowed to have a total of 4 occupants in the unit (one being the lease holder)
- 2 bed/2 bath shared - All residents living in a shared 2-bedroom 2-bathroom unit in which they are only renting a bedroom/bathroom and sharing the common areas with another lease holder are not eligible to have additional occupants living with them.