PBS - NV is a state-wide project composed of a network of professionals, parents and community members that are trying to build a sustainable culture who value and implement quality positive behavior supports. We are committed to developing and implementing support plans for people with disabilities and challenging behavior that include functional assessment and function-based intervention. These plans must also be developed in a respectful, values-based manner while attempting to maintain a balance between contextual fit and empirically validated treatment.
Our Services
PBS-NV provides trainings, technical support and consultation services to families, agencies, and schools. Our services build capacity in family members, professionals, and care providers supporting individuals with challenging behavior. PBS-NV also offers in-service presentations to groups or organizations, available upon request. All services are individualized to meet the unique needs of those requesting our support.
Tiered model of support: PBS-NV uses a tiered model of support so families are able to select services at the appropriate level.
Tier I = Universal strategies
- PBS 101
Tier II = Targeted interventions
- Potty Pros
- Picky Eaters
- Routines and Transitions
- Functional/Effective Communication
Tier 3 = Individualized, function-based, comprehensive support
- Addressing Challenging Behaviors