Academic advising
Are you thinking about study abroad in the future? Perhaps a double major or minor? Want to create a four-year plan so you know you can graduate on time? We strongly encourage all students to take the opportunity to be advised.
Are you thinking about study abroad in the future? Perhaps a double major or minor? Want to create a four-year plan so you know you can graduate on time? We strongly encourage all students to take the opportunity to be advised.
Internships & practicums
All students are required to take an internship or a practicum while studying at the Reynolds School. Learn more about this requirement.
Rent equipment
Reynolds School students and faculty members can rent multimedia equipment to use for class projects and research.
Apply to the major
Once you complete your first three journalism courses (JOUR 103, 107 and 108), you can apply for journalism major status.
Labs & studios
Learn about our state-of-the-art labs and studios available for class projects, research and personal passions.
Student clubs
Consider joining one of our five student-run organizations to network, get hands-on experience and make friends.
Scholarship opportunities
Did you know that the Reynolds School awards over $180,000 in scholarships annually?