All members must present a University ID with an active FRS membership upon each visit.
Food is not allowed in the Fitness Center. Non-alcoholic beverages in plastic containers are acceptable.
Foul language is not permitted.
You must be a fully matriculated freshman 16 years or older who is currently enrolled at the University to use the E. L. Wiegand Fitness Center and Lombardi Recreation Center.
Appropriate attire must be worn at all times (shirt, sweats/tights/shorts and tennis shoes). Dress clothes, jeans, cords, street shorts (jeans/cords) and any open-toed footwear are not acceptable.
Respect all staff, members and equipment.
The Fitness Center is not responsible for lost or stolen personal belongings.
Replace all weights and equipment when finished.
Use of all aerobic equipment will be limited to 30 minutes. If aerobic equipment is full, please see a staff member for assistance.
Smoking or use of tobacco is not permitted.
Any rule or safety behavior not stated is left to the judgment of the Fitness and Recreational Sports staff.