
Lyndsey Darrow, Ph.D.

Darrow, Lyndsey


Dr. Darrow is an epidemiologist with particular interest in the effects of environmental exposures on respiratory disease, pregnancy outcomes, and endocrine function in childhood. She is currently directing a study of early-life exposure to antibiotics in relation to incidence of asthma and other atopic outcomes (NIH grant ) and a study investigating heat waves in relation to preterm birth (). She recently completed a study of traffic pollutant exposures during pregnancy and the first year of life in relation to asthma incidence in a retrospective birth cohort at Kaiser Permanente Georgia (NIH grant , EPA grant ). Her other previous studies include investigation of the acute effects of specific air pollutants on respiratory emergency department visits (asthma, wheeze, pneumonia, bronchiolitis, upper respiratory infection) among children less than five years (NIH grant ), and assessment of polybrominated flame retardant exposure (PBDE) in relation to thyroid function among preschool children (NIH grant ). Other research topics include perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and health outcomes in a community in West Virginia living near a Dupont manufacturing plant; methods for estimation of population attributable fraction; and methods for studying effects of seasonally-varying exposures on birth outcomes.


In press

  • Strosnider HM, Chang HH, Darrow LA, Liu Y, Vaidyanathan A, Strickland MJ. Age-specific associations of ozone and PM2.5 with respiratory emergency department visits in the US. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine (in press).
  • Strickland MJ, Ying L, Darrow LA, Mulholland JA, Warren J, Chang HH. Associations between ambient air pollutant concentrations and birth weight: a quantile regression analysis. Epidemiology (in press).


  • Nealy BE, Warren JL, Strickland MJ, Darrow LA, Chang HH. Impacts of gestational age uncertainty in estimating associations between preterm birth and ambient air pollution. Environmental Epidemiology 2(4):e031, December 2018.
  • Pennington AF, Strickland MJ, Klein M, Drews-Botsch C, Hansen C, Darrow LA. Cesarean section and childhood asthma: effect modification by sex. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology. 2018 Nov;32(6):495-503. PMID: 30266042
  • Samburova V, Bhattarai C, Strickland M, Darrow L, Angermann J, Son Y, Khlystov A.  Aldehydes in exhaled breath during e-cigarette vaping: results of a pilot study. Toxics 2018, 6 (46).
  • Bates JT, Pennington AF, Zhai X, Friberg MD, Metcalf F, Darrow L, Strickland M, Mulholland J, Russell A. Application and evaluation of two model fusion approaches to obtain ambient air pollutant concentrations at a fine spatial resolution (250m) in Atlanta. Environmental Modelling and Software (in press).
  • Jacobson MH, Howards PP, Darrow LA, Meadows JW, Kesner JS, Spencer JB, Terrell ML, Marcus M. Thyroid hormones and menstrual cycle function in a longitudinal cohort of premenopausal women. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 2018 May;32(3):225-234. PMID: 29517803
  • Kennedy CM, Pennington AF, Darrow LA, Klein M, Zhai X, Russell AG, Hansen C, Tolbert PE, Strickland MJ. Associations of mobile source air pollution during the first year of life with childhood pneumonia, bronchiolitis, and otitis media. Environmental Epidemiology 2018 Mar;2(1). PMID: 30215038
  • Pennington AF, Strickland MJ, Klein, Zhai X, Bates JT, Drews-Botsch C, Hansen C, Russell AG, Tolbert PE, Darrow LA. Exposure to mobile source air pollution in early life and childhood asthma incidence: The Kaiser Air Pollution and Pediatric Asthma Study. Epidemiology. 2018 Jan;29(1):22-30.


  • Jacobson MH,  Darrow LA, Barr DB,  Howards PP, Lyles RH, Terrell ML, Smith AK, Conneely  KN, Marder ME, Marcus M. Serum polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and thyroid function among Michigan adults several decades after the 1973-1974 PBB contamination of livestock feed. Environmental Health Perspectives 2017 Sep; 125(9).
  • Pennington AF, Strickland MJ, Klein M, Zhai X, Russell, AG, Hansen C, Darrow LA. Measurement error in mobile source air pollution exposure estimates due to residential mobility during pregnancy. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. 2017 Sep;27(5):513-520. doi:10.1038/jes.2016.66.


  • Ph.D., Epidemiology, Emory University, 2008
  • B.A., Human Biology, Stanford University, 2000