
Central Committee standard operating procedures



The funds accumulated from differential fees will be utilized solely to enhance the quality and growth of engineering and computer science education and hence offer state-of-the-art degrees that make students highly competitive in the global market environment.

The goal of the Differential Fees Central Committee is to solicit proposals from academic undergraduate and graduate programs, review the proposals, and develop recommendations for fund usage to the Dean of the College of Engineering.

Purpose and authority

The Differential Fees Central Committee has been established under the direction of the Dean of the College of Engineering to oversee the operation and coordination of funding proposals to enhance the excellence and global competitiveness of engineering and computer science programs.


  1. To solicit funding proposals from academic programs and departments.
  2. To review and evaluate submitted proposals and to recommend funding proposals to the Dean of the College of Engineering.
  3. To maintain communications with the College of Engineering, University, and Departments on issues relating to proposed enhancements and procedures regarding fund distribution.


Central Committee membership

The Central Committee will be comprised of a faculty sub-committee" and a student sub-committee. The sub-committees will meet separately.

Faculty sub-committee

Membership, term length, and duties

  1. Will be comprised of five faculty members; one faculty member to represent each department.
  2. Appointments are for one academic year with two renewals possible.
  3. Faculty members will be chosen by the chair of each of the five College of Engineering departments.
  4. Each faculty member on the sub-committee is a voting member of the committee and each holds one vote.
  5. The faculty sub-committee chair will be elected by the five members of the faculty sub-committee at the spring meeting.
  6. In the event that the Chair is not able to attend a meeting, the chair will appoint a replacement from the membership of the faculty sub-committee.
  7. The Differential Tuition Fees Coordinator will be responsible for calling the meetings, setting the agenda and recording minutes.
  8. The Differential Tuition Fees Coordinator will serve as co-chair.

Student sub-committee

Membership, term length, and duties

  1. Will be comprised of five undergraduate students; one undergraduate student to represent each of the five College of Engineering departments and one graduate student to represent all departments.
  2. Appointments are for one academic year.
  3. The College of Engineering student body will be allowed to self-nominate for the student sub-committee. Each fall an email will go out to the student body with a call for nominations. Self-nominations will be sent to the Differential Tuition Fees Coordinator. After nominations are received, the Differential Tuition Fees Coordinator will check for the acceptance of nominations and if the student is in good standing. Students must be enrolled in a minimum of one differential tuition fee course during their term on the committee. The Differential Tuition Fee Coordinator will then send out an electronic vote to the College of Engineering student body (undergraduate or graduate students) to allow for electronic voting occurring before the fall meeting to elect the representatives. If no student self nominates from a particular department, the department faculty Chair will choose a student to represent their department.
  4. Each elected student member on the sub-committee is a voting member of the committee and each holds one vote.
  5. The Director of Student Affairs will serve as the chair of the student sub-committee, but will not be a voting member. The Differential Tuition Fee Coordinator will serve as co-chair.
  6. The Differential Tuition Fees Coordinator will be responsible for calling the meetings, setting the agenda and recording minutes.

Membership criteria

  1. Student committee members must be in good standing as defined by University standards.
  2. Student committee members must be enrolled in a minimum of one differential tuition fees course during their time on the Central Committee
  3. Faculty committee members must be under contract with the College of Engineering.

Membership, voting, and non-voting

  1. Five faculty members, five elected undergraduate students, and one elected graduate student will serve as voting members of the Differential Fees Central Committee.
  2. Staff members and liaisons are non-voting members of the Committee.

Absences and filling vacancies

  1. If a Differential Fees Central Committee member is unable to complete a term of office, the Chair of the respective sub-committee is responsible for appointing a replacement.


Leadership and committees


  1. Roles and Duties
    1. The chair shall be the facilitator of all meetings.
    2. The chair will support and represent the purpose, responsibilities, and functions of the Differential Fees Central Committee.
    3. The chair will prepare reports and make the recommendations to the Dean of Engineering.
  2. Absences and filling vacancies
    1. If the chair is unable to fulfill duties, a new chair will be elected.
    2. If the chair is absent, the chair will assign a committee member to fill the position temporarily.

Ad hoc committees, task forces and project teams

Such entities may be created at the discretion of the Committee.





  1. In November, the Differential Tuition Fees Coordinator will send an e-mail soliciting proposals.


  1. The members of the subcommittees will meet:
    1. Fall to welcome new committee members
    2. Spring to review funding proposals and make recommendations to the Dean
  2. Additional e-mail, teleconference, and meetings will be scheduled at the discretion of the chair, the dean of the College of Engineering and/or the Differential Fees Tuition Coordinator.


  1. At least 24 hours notice is required before calling a meeting. Notice includes sending an e-mail to committee members. The Differential Tuition Fee Coordinator will call all meetings.


  1. Meeting minutes will be recorded and maintained by the Differential Tuition Fee Coordinator.

Quorum, minutes

  1. A quorum of the Differential Fees Central Committee shall consist of the Chair and one-half of the voting members.
  2. In the event a member of the Committee is unable to attend a meeting, the Chair of the Committee may appoint a substitute.
  3. Minutes of the meetings shall be reviewed at the next meeting or by e-mail distribution.


  1. The meetings shall adhere to Robert's Rules of Order.



Revisions and appendices

Revisions to Operating Guide

  1. This Operating Guide shall become effective following approval by the Dean.
  2. This Operating Guide may be amended when appropriate. Final approval is by the Dean.


  1. Fund Allocation: Appropriate fund allocations include but are not limited to the following list which consist of items mentioned in the differential fee proposal and support ABET Student Outcome Criteria a-k as noted.
    1. Purchasing equipment and state-of-the-art software as needed (ABET Criteria i, l).
    2. Implementing sustainable laboratory and equipment maintenance plans (ABET Criteria j)
    3. Implementing sustainable laboratory safety plans (ABET Criteria k).
    4. Better equipping and maintaining the Engineering Computer Center and improving its availability, scheduling and efficiency for instruction and research.
    5. Offering funds as needed to establish and maintain hardware and non-academic versions of software required to interact with hi-tech industry.
    6. Hiring technicians and computer system administrators.
    7. Hiring internship/placement coordinators to interact with industry and assist with the identification of internships and placement after graduation.
    8. Generating additional scholarships to assist students with increased higher education costs (allocate at least 15% of the generated revenue).
    9. Hiring additional support staff needed to accommodate the growth.
    10. Hiring additional tenure track faculty (ABET Criteria a-e).
    11. Hiring full or part-time instructors (ABET Criteria a, b, d).
    12. Hiring additional teaching assistants (ABET Criteria f, g).
    13. Offering graduate fellowships (ABET Criteria h).

Ratified: September 20, 2012

Revision Date: July 15, 2016