
Recommended data maintenance actions

We ask that you review your Zoom cloud recordings and your My Media video content and remove anything no longer needed. In the case of Zoom cloud recordings, if you would like to keep the recordings for use long term, we recommend migrating them to My Media in WebCampus.

Delete any Zoom cloud recordings you no longer need.

This includes any test recordings or single use recordings you will no longer need.

Migrate any Zoom cloud recordings that you plan to use long-term to Kaltura/MyMedia.

The Instructional Design Team can assist migrating associated caption files.

Delete any Kaltura/ My Media content that you no longer need/use.

This includes any test recordings or single use recordings you will no longer need.

Remove any files you no longer need in your WebCampus courses, such as old semester-specific files.

Migrate any multimedia files to Kaltura/My Media.

If you have any questions or need assistance with any of the systems or processes mentioned above, contact the Office of Digital Learning (ODL) for assistance.