
Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis Facility

Characterization instrument list

  • Transmission Electron Microscope: FEI Talos F200s Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (S/TEM) equipped with SuperX-EDS detector
    • FEI Single Tilt Holder
    • FEI Double Tilt Holder
    • FEI Double Tilt Low-background EDS Holder
    • Gatan 626 Cryo Holder
    • Gatan High Field-of-view Single-tilt Tomography Holder
  • Focus Ion Beam: Thermo Scientific Scios 2 Dual-beam Focus Ion Beam/ Scanning Electron Microscope (DB FIB/SEM) equipped with
    • EDAX Hikari EBSD Camera
    • EDAX Octane Elect EDS System
  • Scanning Electron Microscope: FEI Nano600 NanoSEM
  • Nanoindenter: Hysitron TI-900 TriboIndenter
  • In-situ SEM Micro-mechanical Testing System: Alemnis Indenter System

FEI Talos F200s S/TEM

transmission electron microscope

Thermo Scientific Scios 2 FIB/SEM

Thermo Scientific Scios 2 Dual-beam Focus Ion Beam/ Scanning Electron Microscope

FEI Nova600 NanoSEM

Scanning Electron Microscope

Sample preparation instrument list

  • Buehler Isomet low speed saw
  • South Bay Technology Model 850 wire saw
  • Pace Technologies TERAPRESS TP-7500 Compression Mounting Press
  • Struers Tegramin-20 Auto-polisher
  • Buehler VibroMet 2 Vibratory Polisher
  • Quorum Technologies K575X Turbo Sputter Coater
  • Electron Microscopy Sciences 150T Turbo-pumped Combo Sputter and Carbon Coater
  • Fischione Instruments Model 150 Dimpling Grinder
  • Fischione Instruments Model 170 Ultrasonic Disk Cutter
  • Fischione Instruments Model 1010 Low Angle Ion Mill
  • Fischione Instruments Model 110 Automatic Twin-jet Electropolisher
  • SPI Plasma Prep Cleaner
  • Leica Ultramicrotome EM UC7
  • Olympus PMG3 Inverted Metallurgic Microscope with Attached Digital Camera

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