
6,075: Core Curriculum Board

Revised: May 2014

The Core Curriculum Board (CCB) is charged with administering university policy regarding the university’s general education curriculum, subject to the approval of the Executive Vice-President & Provost or designee, and shall periodically verify that each course in the university’s core curriculum is helping the university meet its general education objectives.

1.    Membership – Effective July 1, 2014, each of the colleges or divisions that have undergraduate majors and are administered by a dean or vice president may appoint one voting member of the CCB. These college representatives shall be appointed by the deans from among their faculty who teach or have taught in the undergraduate curriculum, unless the college bylaws specify another process. They shall serve three-year renewable terms beginning in July, staggered so that roughly a third of terms expire each year.

a.    The ASUN President and the program directors for core writing, core mathematics, and core humanities, or their designees, shall be ex officio voting members of the CCB.
b.    Additional ex officio voting members may be elected for three-year renewable terms by a two-thirds vote of the voting members.
c.    The Director of the Core Curriculum (Core Director), who is responsible for implementing core curriculum policies, shall serve as chair of the CCB, and shall only vote to break a tie.
d.    The Core Director may appoint non-voting members of the CCB to serve for a term of one year in either an ex officio or a liaison role, subject to the approval of a majority of the CCB.

2.    Core Committees – Subject to the approval of the CCB, the Core Director shall create Core Committees or Advisory Groups as needed to assist with the work of the CCB, and these core committees shall make recommendations to the CCB.

a.    The Core Director shall annually appoint committee members from among the faculty who teach or have taught in the undergraduate curriculum. Faculty should be chosen to represent both providers and users of core courses, and no two faculty members from the same department should serve on the same core committee.
b.    Core committee members shall serve one-year renewable terms, with the expectation that these terms can be renewed upon satisfactory participation and performance.
c.    The Core Director shall annually appoint core committee chairs, and charge each core committee. Upon request, these committee chairs shall advise the Core Director on the application of Core Curriculum policy and transfer credits.
d.    A member of the CCB shall serve on each core committee, to act as a liaison between the CCB and the core committee. If for any reason the Core Director is unable to appoint a voting member of the CCB to the core committee, a member of the committee may be appointed by the Core Director as a nonvoting member of the CCB.
e.    The ASUN Senate may annually appoint one student representative to each core committee.

3.    Meetings - Regular meetings are held each month at a time determined by the Core Director to best fit the schedules of the members. Special meetings shall be called at the discretion of the Core Director. Agendas shall be distributed in advance, and action items may not be added or substantially modified after that time. All voting members may appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf if they cannot attend a meeting of the CCB, as long as the Core Director approves in advance of the meeting. Minutes shall be distributed after each meeting, and shall be considered approved if corrections are not made within a week after such distribution.