5,402: Priorities and Procedures for the Assignment, Scheduling and Use of University Space
Revised: May 2018
Responsibility: The responsibility for university space policy is assigned solely to the Executive Vice President & Provost.
Scheduling Services schedules space for the regular instructional programs. The Executive Vice President & Provost assigns all space.
NOTE: The unilateral commitment of space by a user unit to another user requestor is inconsistent with university policy and therefore prohibited.
Priorities for Assignment and Scheduling: The broad general priorities applied in the scheduling of space are:
- University-funded instruction, research, and service programs.
- University-approved extracurricular activities by a University Group, as that term is defined in section 5,302, including but not limited to athletics, intramurals, student functions, and faculty events.
- Outside Groups, as that term is defined in section 5,302, which are sponsored by a University Group, National Judicial College, and the Retired Faculty Association.
Non-instructional Scheduling by University Personnel:
For the coordination, approval and scheduling university facilities and outdoor areas, refer to section 5,302.